Sullivan’s Island (843) 883-3586
Daniel Island (843) 823-0040
P.O. Box 506,
Sullivan's Island, SC 29482
Office Hours:
M-TH 9 AM - 5 PM,
Sun 8 AM-1 PM
2520 Middle St., Sullivan's Island, SC 29482
299 Seven Farms Drive
Daniel Island, SC 29492
Parking is available at each location both streetside and in parking lots around each church.
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Have you ever come home from church and tried to remember the last name of someone you just met? Ever thought: I’d like to invite “so and so” to dinner, but don’t have their contact information? The solution is Rock – our Holy Cross online Directory and Church Management System. And now, you can access the directory anywhere using your smartphones as well!
If you haven’t figured it out, we're big on the development of deep, intimate, personal community among the Body of Christ. A body by nature is closely knitted together. It works for the same end… life. A body needs both its hands and its feet. Most importantly, we need our head, Jesus Christ.
The Holy Cross Database, Rock, is so helpful in our growth of community. In addition, it helps our staff serve you in the best way possible. I am asking you to lead the way in Christian Community at Holy Cross. Find contact info, upload a family picture, register for events, give online and learn about ministry opportunities at Holy Cross.
There are three initial steps to using Rock:
Update family information including adding a picture.
Find others in our database.
And, of course, don’t hesitate to call the Holy Cross office at 843-883-3586 or email us if you have trouble.