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Indoor Family Services

  • Church of the Holy Cross (map)

These requirements for reopening the church for worship are based upon the Diocesan guidelines issued by the Bishop, as well as the recommendations from the CDC and federal and local governments. Our aim is to provide a safe environment for all worshipers by minimizing close physical interactions.

For your safety and for the well-being of others, PLEASE DO NOT COME TO CHURCH if you have a fever or severe cough, feel ill, or have been in recent contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19, or if a medical condition makes it impossible for you to wear a mask. Masks are not optional.

Guidelines for those attending worship in-person are as follows:

  • Your entire family must be symptom free (no fever, cough, sore throat, sniffles, etc.) to attend service.

  • All Children's Family Service attendees ages 2 and up are asked to wear masks over their nose and mouth while on the church premises. 

  • Please practice social distancing (6 feet or more) when seated in the church. Sit in the designated pews-- either close to the wall or close to the aisle. Ushers will assist you in finding your seat.

  • Clergy, staff, lay ministers, and members of the congregation must be masked, per the protocol from Bishop Lawrence. Leaders will wear masks except when speaking during the service. Vocalists will also wear masks except while singing.

  • No paper bulletins will be issued. The service liturgy will be on the screens.

  • Sanitize your hands with the provided hand sanitizers before entering the sanctuary or when coming and going to the restrooms. Bathrooms are available in the contemporary space. Please follow posted guidelines when utilizing restrooms. 

  • Please place your offering in the baskets near the doors as you enter or exit. Alternatively, you may continue to mail your check to the church office or give online at our website.

  • Please refrain from shaking hands, hugging, or touching anyone who is not part of your immediate family.

  • Please refrain from gathering after the service. If you would like to talk or fellowship with others following the service, please do so outside or in the parking lot and maintain social distance.

Earlier Event: June 13
Indoor 10:30am Communion Services
Later Event: June 14
Kids Club