March 16, 2020
March 16, 2020
Snee Farm Country Club
Our Second Annual Holy Cross Golf Tournament is set for March 16 at Snee Farm Country Club raising support for the Good New and the good work of Jesus Christ to go all over the world. Last year, the tournament raised nearly $23,000 that was used to rescue and care for orphaned children, to help establish jobs for the needy in Pakistan, and provided Swahili Bibles in Tanzania. It sent teams to Mexico, Honduras, Pakistan and will send teams in the coming year to Tanzania and India as well. Our 3:16 Tournament will share God’s love with the world. Who knew that hitting a golf ball could be so rewarding.
Come play with us! Register individually or buy a foursome and invites your friends, neighbors or co-workers. Registration will begin at 9 a.m. and shotgun start will be at 10 a.m. sharp.
Be a tournament sponsor! Hole sponsorships are $500; Partial Hole Sponsors are $250. Follow the links below. Hole Sponsors receive recognition and course signage at the tournament!
We have lots of great things planned for this day. We will need sponsors, volunteers, and players. Does your business want to be a sponsor or have more questions?