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Maundy Thursday

Join us for our Holy Week as we prepare to celebrate Easter!  

Just because we're all celebrating Holy Week from home this year, doesn't mean you can't participate in some of our usual Maundy Thursday tradition. Each year we gather to follow the example of Jesus by washing each other's feet. This year we will still follow His example--but we'll be in our living rooms instead of our church!

We've crafted a simple liturgy for you to follow as you gather with your household for dinner on Thursday. As you eat, pray the prayers together and reflect on the stunning example of service that our King Jesus set out .

 Then grab a bowl, some soap, and a towel or two... and get scrubbing! Wash each other's feet and remember that Jesus told us that the greatest thing we can hope to do in His upside down kingdom is to serve others. 

We've put together a video for you that explores more about Jesus' act of service, and gives you an example of how one of our Holy Cross families chose to celebrate together. Enjoy!

Click below to view the video.