Men's Turkey Fry
Come join the Holy Cross men from both campuses on Christmas Eve morning from 7:00 AM to 12:00 noon at the Holy Cross Sullivan’s Island campus to fry turkeys for those in need in the East Cooper area.
Registration is required.
Come join the Holy Cross men from both campuses on Christmas Eve morning from 7:00 AM to 12:00 noon at the Holy Cross Sullivan’s Island campus to fry turkeys for those in need in the East Cooper area.
Registration is required.
Join us November 28th for a fun festive time for all! We will gather in the courtyard at both of our campuses in the courtyard after the Children’s Family and Contemporary services.
This is a great event for everyone: Life Groups, friends, families, & individuals. No need to register.
Ash Wednesday is on February 17th this year. Ash Wednesday - February 17. We will have drive-thru imposition of ashes and an online service in the evening. Click here for more details.
Come join the Holy Cross men from both campuses on Christmas Eve morning from 7:00 AM to 12:00 noon at the Holy Cross Sullivan’s Island campus to fry turkeys for those in need in the East Cooper area.
Registration is required.
Join us November 29th for a fun festive time for all! We will gather safely in the courtyard at both of our campuses in the courtyard after the Children’s Family and Contemporary services on Sunday, November 29.
This is a great event for everyone: Life Groups, friends, families, & individuals. No need to register.
Just because we're all celebrating Holy Week from home this year, doesn't mean you can't participate in some of our usual Maundy Thursday tradition. Each year we gather to follow the example of Jesus by washing each other's feet. This year we will still follow His example--but we'll be in our living rooms instead of our church!
Ash Wednesday is on February 26th this year. We will have services at the following times:
10 am - Sullivan's Island
12 pm - Daniel Island (no Communion)
7 pm - Sullivan's Island
We would love for you to join us as we enter the season of Lent.
Join us for our annual Pancake Supper on Shrove Tuesday. The supper will be at our Sullivan's Island campus, 5-7pm.
One of our vision points is to be a people of prayer. To help you feel equipped to pray for others, we are holding a prayer training February 15th.
All welcome to join! No experience needed.
Join us for a gathering of fun, friends, and creatively responding to God’s story. Bring your family. Invite your friends, your Life Group or come to meet new friends! Feast your eyes on a kid-curated art show and feast your tummies on delicious cookies.
On Sunday December 29th, 2019 please note our changed and combined service times.
Join us for one of our Christmas Eve services at Holy Cross.
Find a full list at
Come join the Holy Cross men from all three campuses on Christmas Eve morning from 8:00 AM to 12:00 noon at the Holy Cross Sullivan’s Island campus to fry turkeys for those in need in the East Cooper area. Connect with others, have fun & love our neighbors.
Join us following each adult service to help decorate our campuses for Christmas.
Orders are now being taken for Christmas Poinsettias. These are used to decorate for our Christmas Services, and dedications are included in a special dedication sheet on Christmas Eve.
Orders are due no later than Sunday, December 15th at 9:00pm.
Join us December 1st following the Contemporary services at all of our campuses for a fun festive time for all. This is a great event for everyone: Life Groups, friends, families, & individuals.
In preparation for the Bishop’s visit, you’re also invited to participate in an informal class for adults on all things Anglican.
Holy Cross Sullivan’s Island and I’On are inviting their neighbors to participate in a food drive to benefit the needy of the East Cooper area through our friends and partners at ECCO - East Cooper Community Outreach. Help us distribute bags to our neighbors on November 3rd!
Come join the Holy Cross men from all three church campuses on October 4-6 as we disconnect from the daily grind for a weekend of fellowship, worship, discipling and adventure all in an awesome retreat setting in the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains of western North Carolina.
Join us for the Steadfast Marriage Retreat on September 20-21 hosted at the Holy Cross Sullivan’s Island Campus.
Register now!
Celebrate Easter with Holy Cross!
Join as at one of our locations and service times.
Location and service details are at
Join us for our Holy Week services as we prepare to celebrate Easter!
Maundy Thursday - April 18
7:00 pm - Sullivan’s Island, Traditional Church Building
7:00 pm - Daniel Island, Traditional Church Building
7:00 pm - I'On, Chapel
Help us get ready for Easter!
We have a need for lots of plastic Easter eggs filled peanut free candy and taped shut.
Ash Wednesday is on March 6th this year. We will have services at the following times:
7:00 am - I'On (no Communion)
10 am - Sullivan's Island
12 pm - Daniel Island (no Communion)
7 pm - Sullivan's Island
We would love for you to join us as we enter the season of Lent.
Join us for our annual Pancake Supper on Shrove Tuesday. The supper will be at our Sullivan's Island campus, 5-7pm.
JANUARY 12, 2019
9:00AM - 12:30PM
Experience an event that unveils God’s Word as you’ve never known it before. As you walk thru the Old Testament, you’ll realize that the Bible is coming to life and your knowledge of its people, places, and themes is rapidly increasing. In just a few short hours, you’ll see the big picture better than some who have studied for years.
Join us for one of our Christmas Eve services at Holy Cross.
Find a full list at
Join us at 6:30 pm for a beautiful service of Lessons and Carols celebrating the coming of our Savior, featuring the Holy Cross Traditional Choir at our I'On Chapel (located on I'On Square in Mt. Pleasant).
Holy Cross Sullivan’s Island and I’On are inviting their neighbors to participate in a food drive to benefit the needy of the East Cooper area through our friends and partners at ECCO - East Cooper Community Outreach. Help us distribute bags to our neighbors on November 3rd!
October 24: Join us for conversations about life and death in the creative process led by Charleston artist, J.B. Boyd (Robert Lange Studios).
“Salons,” are conversations on hope in the midst of death hosted by the Church of the Holy Cross at I’On. Bring a friend or bring yourself and join the conversation on what speaks truth to us. We will share good food and good conversation on what matters most to us in ways beyond words alone.